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- <html><head><title>A Skeptical Manifesto</title>
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- From <em>Skeptic</em> vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 1992, pp. 15-21.
- <p>The following article is copyright © 1992 by the Skeptics Society,
- P.O. Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001, (818) 794-3119. Permission
- has been granted for noncommercial electronic circulation of this
- article in its entirety, including this notice.
- <a HREF="skeptic-subs.html"> A special Internet introductory subscription
- rate to <em>Skeptic</em> is available.</a>
- For more information, contact Jim Lippard (lippard@skeptic.com).</p>
- <h2><a HREF="01.1.about-shermer.html">By Michael Shermer, Ph.D.</a></h2>
- Contents:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#limit">The Meaning and Limits of Skepticism</a></li>
- <li><a href="#rats">The Rational Skeptic</a></li>
- <li><a href="#science">Science and the Rational Skeptic</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tension">The Essential Tension Between Skepticism and Credulity
- </a></li>
- <li><a href="#tool">The Tool of the Mind</a></li>
- <li><a href="#biblio">Bibliography</a></li>
- </ul>
- <a name="intro">
- On the opening page of the splendid little book <em>To Know a Fly</em>,
- Vincent Dethier makes this humorous observation of how children grow up to
- become scientists: "Although small children have taboos against stepping
- on ants because such actions are said to bring on rain, there has never
- seemed to be a taboo against pulling off the legs or wings of flies.
- Most children eventually outgrow this behavior. Those who do not either
- come to a bad end or become biologists" (1962, p. 2). The same could be
- said of skepticism. In their early years children are knowledge junkies,
- questioning everything in their view, though exhibiting little
- skepticism. Most never learn to distinguish between inquisitiveness and
- credulity. Those who do either come to a bad end or become professional
- skeptics.
- <p><a HREF="01.1.about-randi.html">James Randi</a> is one of these. So too are
- the founders and fellows of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation
- of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), the predecessor to the
- <em>Skeptics Society</em> whose journal - the <em>Skeptical Inquirer</em> - has
- set the standard toward which this and other such publications must strive
- in the pursuit of skepticism. But what does it mean to be skeptical? The
- word is a troublesome one because of the heavy baggage it carries. The word
- has different meanings for different people. (We had considered many names
- but decided that as long as it is defined the word is a useful one.
- Within the name we had also considered <em>Institute for Rational
- Skepticism</em>, but rejected it for fear that we might become known as the
- IRS, an organization about which many people are already skeptical!)</p>
- <a name="limit">
- <h2>The Meaning and Limits of Skepticism</h2>
- </a>
- Skepticism has a long historical tradition dating back to ancient Greek
- thought. The foremost historian of skepticism, Richard Popkin, tells us:
- "Academic scepticism, so-called because it was formulated in the
- Platonic Academy in the third century, B.C., developed from the Socratic
- observation, 'All I know is that I know nothing'"(1979, p. xiii). Two of
- the popular received meanings of the word by many people today are that
- a skeptic believes nothing, or is closed minded to certain beliefs.
- There is good reason for the perception of the first meaning. The
- <em>Oxford English Dictionary (OED)</em> gives this common usage for the word
- skeptic: "One who, like Pyrrho and his followers in Greek antiquity,
- doubts the possibility of real knowledge of any kind; one who holds that
- there are no adequate grounds for certainty as to the truth of any
- proposition whatever" (1971, Vol. 2, p. 2663).
- <p>Since this position is sterile and unproductive and held by virtually
- no one (except a few confused solipsists who doubt even their own
- existence), it is no wonder that so many find skepticism disturbing. A
- more productive meaning of the word skeptic is the second usage given by
- the <em>OED</em>: "One who doubts the validity of what claims to be knowledge in
- some particular department of inquiry; one who maintains a doubting
- attitude with reference to some particular question or statement."</p>
- <p>The history of the word skeptic and skepticism is interesting and
- often amusing. In 1672, for example, the <em>Philosophical Transactions</em>
- VII records this passage: "Here he taketh occasion to examine
- Pyrrhonisme or Scepticisme, professed by a Sect of men that speak
- otherwise than they think." The charge is true. The most ardent skeptics
- enjoy their skepticism as long as it does not encroach upon their most
- cherished beliefs. Then incredulity flies out the window. I received a
- call recently from a gentleman who professed to be a skeptic, wanted to
- support the organization, and agrees with our skepticism about
- everything except the power of vitamins to restore health and attenuate
- disease. He hoped I would not be organizing any skeptical lectures or
- articles on this field, which, he explained, has now been proven
- scientifically to be effective. "Your field wouldn't be vitamin therapy
- would it?" I inquired. "You bet it is!" he responded.
- <p>It is easy, even fun to challenge others' beliefs, when we are smug
- in our certainty about our own. But when ours are challenged, it takes
- great patience and ego strength to listen with an unjaundiced ear. But
- there is a deeper flaw in pure skepticism. Taken to an extreme the
- position by itself cannot stand. The <em>OED</em> gives us this 1674 literary
- example (Tucker <em>Lt. Nat.</em> II): "There is an air of positiveness in all
- scepticism, an unreserved confidence in the strength of those arguments
- that are alleged to overthrow all the knowledge of mankind." Skepticism
- is itself a positive assertion about knowledge, and thus turned on
- itself cannot be held. If you are skeptical about everything, you would
- have to be skeptical of your own skepticism. Like the decaying sub-atomic
- particle, pure skepticism uncoils and spins off the viewing
- screen of our intellectual cloud chamber.</p>
- <p>Skepticism alone does not produce progress. It is not enough simply
- to reject the irrational. Skepticism must be followed with something
- rational, or something that does produce progress. As the Austrian
- economist Ludwig von Mises warned against those anti-communists who
- presented no rational alternative to the system of which they were so
- skeptical (1956, p. 112):</p>
- <blockquote>
- An anti-something movement displays a purely negative attitude. It
- has no chance whatever to succeed. Its passionate diatribes
- virtually advertise the program they attack. People must fight for
- something that they want to achieve, not simply reject an evil,
- however bad it may be.</blockquote>
- Carl Sagan sounded a similar warning to the professional skeptics at
- the 1987 CSICOP annual meeting: "You can get into a habit of thought in
- which you enjoy making fun of all those other people who don't see
- things as clearly as you do. We have to guard carefully against it" (in
- Basil, 1988, p. 366).
- <a name="rats">
- <h2>The Rational Skeptic</h2>
- </a>
- The second popular notion that skeptics are closed-minded to certain
- beliefs comes from a misunderstanding of skepticism and science.
- Skeptics and scientists are not necessarily "closed-minded" (though they
- may be since they are human). They may have been open-minded to a belief
- but when the evidence failed to support the belief, they rejected it.
- There are already enough legitimate mysteries in the universe for which
- evidence provides scientists fodder for their research, that to take the
- time to consider "unseen" or "unknown" mysteries is not always
- practical. When the non-skeptic says, "you're just closed-minded to the
- unknown forces of the universe," the skeptic responds: "We're still
- trying to understand the known forces of the universe."</p>
- <p>It is for these reasons that it might be useful to modify the word
- skeptic with "rational." Again, it is constructive to examine the usage
- and history of this word that is so commonly used. Rational is given as:
- "Having the faculty of reasoning; endowed with reason" (<em>OED</em>, p. 2420).
- And reason as "A statement of some fact employed as an argument to
- justify or condemn some act, prove or disprove some assertion, idea, or
- belief" (p. 2431). It may seem rather pedantic to dig through the
- dictionary and pull out arcane word usages and histories. But it is
- constructive to know how a word was intended to be used and what it has
- come to mean. They are often not the same, and more often than not, they
- have multiple usages such that when two people communicate they are
- frequently talking at cross purposes. One person's skepticism may be
- another's credulity. And who does not think they are rational when it
- comes to their own beliefs and ideologies?</p>
- <p>It is also important to remember that dictionaries do not give
- definitions. They give usages. For a listener to understand a speaker,
- and for a reader to follow a writer, important words must be defined
- with semantic precision for communication to be successful. What I mean
- by skeptic is the second usage above: "One who doubts the validity of
- what claims to be knowledge in some particular department of inquiry."
- And by rational: "A statement of some fact employed as an argument to
- justify or condemn some act, prove or disprove some assertion, idea, or
- belief." But these usages leave out one important component: the goal of
- reason and rationality. The ultimate end to thinking is to understand
- cause-and-effect relationships in the world around us. It is to know the
- universe, the world, and ourselves. Since rationality is the most
- reliable means of thinking, a rational skeptic may be defined as:
- <blockquote> <em>One who questions the validity of particular claims of
- knowledge by employing or calling for statements of fact to prove or
- disprove claims, as a tool for understanding causality.</em></blockquote></p>
- But what method shall we employ? Just being skeptical will lead us to
- no conclusion other than the Socratic conclusion that we do not know.
- The answer, in a word, is science, and the method, in two words, is the
- scientific method.
- <a name="science">
- <h2>Science and the Rational Skeptic</h2>
- </a>
- Needless to say, reviewing the usages and history of the word science
- would be inappropriately long here, and I have already done this to a
- certain extent in the essay at the end of this issue. For purposes of
- clarity science will be taken to mean: <em>a set of cognitive and
- behavioral methods designed to describe and interpret observed or
- inferred phenomenon, past or present, aimed at building a testable body
- of knowledge open to rejection or confirmation.</em>
- <p>Science is a specific way of thinking and acting - a tool for
- understanding information that is perceived directly or indirectly
- ("observed or inferred"). "Past or present" refers to both the
- historical and the experimental sciences. Cognitive methods include
- hunches, guesses, ideas, hypotheses, theories, paradigms, etc.;
- behavioral methods include background research, data collection, data
- organization, colleague collaboration and communication, experiments,
- correlation of findings, statistical analyses, manuscript preparation,
- conference presentations, publications, etc. This definition is
- discussed in greater detail in the later essay. More controversial, and
- less likely to find agreement among practitioners, is a definition of
- the scientific method. In fact, one of the more insightful and amusing
- observations on this problem was made by the Nobel laureate and
- philosopher of science, Sir Peter Medawar (1969, p. 11):</p>
- <blockquote>Ask a scientist what he conceives the scientific method to be and
- he will adopt an expression that is at once solemn and shifty-
- eyed: solemn, because he feels he ought to declare an opinion;
- shifty-eyed, because he is wondering how to conceal the fact that
- he has no opinion to declare.</blockquote>
- A sizable body of literature exists on the scientific method and
- there is little consensus among the authors. This does not mean that
- scientists do not know what they are doing. Doing and explaining may be
- two different things. For the purpose of outlining a methodology for the
- rational skeptic to apply to questionable claims, the following four
- step process may represent, on the simplest of levels, something that
- might be called the "scientific method":
- <ol>
- <li><em>Observation</em>: Gathering data through the senses or sensory enhancing
- technologies.</li>
- <li><em>Induction</em>: Drawing general conclusions from the data. Forming
- hypothesis.</li>
- <li><em>Deduction</em>: Making specific predictions from the general
- conclusions.</li>
- <li><em>Verification</em>: Checking the predictions against further
- observations.</li>
- </ol>
- Science, of course, is not this rigid; and no scientist consciously
- goes through such "steps." The process is a constantly interactive one
- between making observations, drawing conclusions, making predictions,
- and checking them against further evidence. This process constitutes the
- core of what philosophers of science call the <em>hypothetico-deductive</em>
- method, which involves "(a) putting forward a hypothesis, (b) conjoining
- it with a statement of 'initial conditions', © deducing from the two a
- prediction, and (d) finding whether or not the prediction is fulfilled"
- (Bynum, Browne, Porter, 1981, p. 196).
- <p>Observations are what flesh out the hypothetico-deductive process and
- serve as the final arbiter for the validity of the predictions. As Sir
- Arthur Stanley Eddington noted: "For the truth of the conclusions of
- science, observation is the supreme court of appeal" (1958, p. 9).</p>
- <p>Through the scientific method we form the following generalizations:
- <ul>
- <li><em>Hypothesis</em>: A testable statement to account for a set of
- observations.</li>
- <li><em>Theory</em>: A well-supported testable statement to account for a set of
- observations.</li>
- <li><em>Fact</em>: Data or conclusions confirmed to such an extent it would be
- reasonable to offer temporary agreement. (Adopted from Gould, 1983, p.
- 255.)</li>
- </ul></p>
- These may be opposed to a <em>construct</em>, or a non-testable statement to
- account for a set of observations. The observation of living organisms
- on Earth may be accounted for by God or by evolution. The first
- statement is a construct, the second a theory. Most biologists would
- even call evolution a fact by the above definition.
- <p>Through the scientific method we aim for:</p>
- <p><em>Objectivity</em>: The basing of conclusions on external validation.</p>
- <p>We avoid:</p>
- <p><em>Mysticism</em>: The basing of conclusions on personal insights that lack
- external validation.</p>
- <p>There is nothing wrong with personal insight. Many great scientists
- attributed important ideas to insight, intuition, and other equally
- difficult-to-define concepts. Alfred Wallace said that the idea of
- natural selection "suddenly flashed upon" him during an attack of
- malaria. Timothy Ferris called Einstein, "the great intuitive artist of
- science." But insightful and intuitive ideas do not gain acceptance
- until they are externally validated. As Richard Hardison explained
- (1988, p. 259-260):</p>
- <blockquote>Mystical "truths," by their nature, must be solely personal, and
- they can have no possible external validation. Each has equal
- claim to truth. Tea leaf reading and astrology and Buddhism; each
- is equally sound or unsound if we judge by the absence of related
- evidence. This is not intended to disparage any one of the faiths;
- merely to note the impossibility of verifying their correctness.
- The mystic is in a paradoxical position. When he seeks external
- support for his views he must turn to external arguments, and he
- denies mysticism in the process. External validation is, by
- definition, impossible for the mystic.</blockquote>
- Science leads us toward:
- <p><em>Rationalism</em>: The basing of conclusions on the scientific method. For
- example, how do you know the Earth is round?
- <ol>
- <li>The shadow on the moon is round.</li>
- <li>The mast of a ship is the last thing seen.</li>
- <li>The horizon is curved.</li>
- <li>Photographs from space.</li>
- </ol>
- </p>
- Science helps us avoid:
- <p><em>Dogmatism</em>: The basing of conclusions on authority rather than
- science. For example, how do you know the Earth is round?
- <ol>
- <li>My parents told me.</li>
- <li>My teachers told me.</li>
- <li>My minister told me.</li>
- <li>My textbook told me.</li>
- </ol></p>
- Dogmatic conclusions are not necessarily invalid but they do pose
- another question: How did the authorities come by their conclusions? Did
- they use science or some other means?
- <a name="tension">
- <h2>The Essential Tension Between Skepticism and Credulity</h2>
- </a>
- It is important too that we recognize the fallibility of science and the
- scientific method. But within this fallibility lies its greatest
- strength: self-correction. Whether mistakes are made honestly or
- dishonestly, whether a fraud is unknowingly or knowingly perpetrated, in
- time it will be flushed out of the system through the lack of external
- verification. The cold fusion fiasco is a classic example of the
- system's swift consequences for error and hasty publication.
- <p>Because of the importance of this self-correcting feature, there is
- in the profession what Richard Feynman calls "a principle of scientific
- thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty - a kind of leaning
- over backwards." Feynman says: "If you're doing an experiment, you
- should report everything that you think might make it invalid - not only
- what you think is right about it: other causes that could possibly
- explain your results" (1988, p. 247).</p>
- <p>Despite these built in mechanisms science is still subject to a
- number of problems and fallacies that even the most careful scientist
- and rational skeptic are aware can be troublesome. We can, however, find
- inspiration in those who have overcome them to make monumental
- contributions to our understanding of the world and ourselves. Charles
- Darwin is a sterling example of a scientist who struck the right balance
- in what Thomas Kuhn calls the "essential tension" in science between
- total acceptance of and devotion to the status quo, and an open
- willingness to explore and accept new ideas (1962, 1977). This delicate
- balance forms the basis of the whole concept of paradigm shifts in the
- history of science. When enough of the scientific community
- (particularly those in positions of power) are willing to abandon the
- old orthodoxy in favor of the (formerly) radical new theory, then, and
- only then can the paradigm shift occur.</p>
- <p>This generalization about change in science is usually made about the
- paradigm as a system, but we must recognize that the paradigm is a
- cognitive framework in the minds of individuals. Darwinian scholar Frank
- Sulloway identifies three characteristics of Darwin's intellect and
- personality that mark him as one of the handful of giants in the history
- of science who found the right balance (1991, p. 28): "First, although
- Darwin indeed had unusual reverence for the opinions of others, he was
- obviously quite capable of challenging authority and thinking for
- himself." Second, "Darwin was also unusual as a scientist in his extreme
- respect for, and attention to, negative evidence." Darwin included, for
- example, a chapter on "Difficulties on Theory" in the <em>Origin of
- Species</em>; as a result his objectors were rarely able to present him with
- a challenge that he had not already confronted or addressed. And third
- was Darwin's "ability to tap the collective resources of the scientific
- community and to enlist other scientists as fellow collaborators in his
- own research projects." Darwin's collected correspondence numbers
- greater than 16,000 extant letters, most of which involve lengthy
- discussions and question-and-answer sequences about scientific problems.
- He was constantly questioning, always learning, confident enough to
- formulate original ideas, yet modest enough to recognize his own
- fallibility.</p>
- <p>A fourth that might be mentioned is that Darwin maintained a good
- dollop of modesty and cautiousness that Sulloway sees as "a valuable
- attribute" that helps "prevent an overestimation of one's own theories."
- There is much to be learned in this regard from Darwin's
- <em>Autobiography</em>. Darwin confesses that he has "no great quickness of
- apprehension or wit which is so remarkable in some clever men," a lack
- of which makes him "a poor critic: a paper or book, when first read,
- generally excites my admiration, and it is only after considerable
- reflection that I perceive the weak points." Unfortunately many of
- Darwin's critics have selectively quoted such passages against him, not
- seeing the advantage Darwin saw in the patient avoidance of regrettable
- mistakes made in haste (1892, p. 55):</p>
- <blockquote>I think that I have become a little more skillful in guessing
- right explanations and in devising experimental tests; but this
- may probably be the result of mere practice, and of a larger store
- of knowledge. I have as much difficulty as ever in expressing
- myself clearly and concisely; and this difficulty has caused me a
- very great loss of time; but it has had the compensating advantage
- of forcing me to think long and intently about every sentence, and
- thus I have been often led to see errors in reasoning and in my
- own observations or those of others.</blockquote>
- His is a lesson in science and in life well worth learning. What
- Sulloway sees as particularly special about Darwin was his ability to
- resolve the essential tension within himself. "Usually, it is the
- scientific community as a whole that displays this essential tension
- between tradition and change," Sulloway observes, "since most people
- have a preference for one or the other way of thinking. What is
- relatively rare in the history of science is to find these contradictory
- qualities combined in such a successful manner in one individual" (p.
- 32).
- <p>Carl Sagan summed up the essential tension between skepticism and
- credulity in his CSICOP lecture on "The Burden of Skepticism":</p>
- <blockquote>It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance
- between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all
- hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great
- openness to new ideas. If you are only skeptical, then no new
- ideas make it through to you. You never learn anything new. You
- become a crochety old person convinced that nonsense is ruling the
- world. (There is, of course, much data to support you.)
- <p>On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility
- and have not an ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot
- distingush the useful ideas from the worthless ones. If all ideas
- have equal validity then you are lost, because then, it seems to
- me, no ideas have any validity at all" (in Basil, 1988, p. 366).</p>
- </blockquote>
- There is some hope that rational skepticism, and the vigorous
- application of the scientific method, can help us navigate through the
- treacherous straights between pure skepticism and unmitigated credulity.
- <a name="tool">
- <h2>The Tool of the Mind</h2>
- </a>
- Science is the best method humankind has devised for understanding
- causality. Therefore the scientific method is our most effective tool
- for understanding the causes of the effects we are confronted with in
- our personal lives as well as in nature. There are few human traits that
- most observers would call truly universal. Most would consent, however,
- that survival of the species as a whole, and the achivement of greater
- happiness of individuals in particular, are universals that virtually
- every human being seeks. We have seen the interrelationship between
- science, rationality, and rational skepticism. Thus, we may go so far as
- to say that the survival of the human species and the attainment of
- greater happiness for individuals depend on the ability to think
- scientifically, rationally, and skeptically.
- <p>It is assumed that human beings are born with the ability to
- perceive cause-and-effect relationships. When we are born we have no
- cultural experience whatsoever. But we do not come into the world
- completely ignorant. We know lots of things - how to see, hear, digest
- food, track a moving object in the visual field, blink at approaching
- objects, become anxious when placed over a ledge, develop a taste
- aversion for noxious foods, and so on. We also inherit the traits our
- ancestors evolved in a world filled with predators and natural
- disasters, poisons and dangers, and risks from all sides. We are
- descended from the most successful ancestors at understanding causality.</p>
- <p>Our brains are natural machines for piecing together events that may
- be related and for solving problems that require our attention. One can
- envision an ancient hominid from Africa chipping and grinding and
- shaping a rock into a sharp tool for carving up a large mammalian
- carcass. Or perhaps we can imagine the first individual who discovered
- that knocking flint would create a spark with which to start a fire. The
- wheel, the lever, the bow and arrow, the plow - inventions intended to
- allow us to shape our environment rather than be shaped by it - started
- civilization down a path that led to our modern scientific and
- technological world.</p>
- <p>In his discussion of the rewards of science, Vincent Dethier, whose
- words opened this manifesto, runs through the pantheon of the obvious
- ones - monetary, security, honor - as well as the transcendent: "a
- passport to the world, a feeling of belonging to one race, a feeling
- that transcends political boundaries and ideologies, religions, and
- languages." But he brushes these aside for one "more lofty and more
- subtle." This is the natural curiosity of humans in their drive to
- understand the world:</p>
- <blockquote>One of the characteristics that sets man apart from all the other
- animals (and animal he undubitably is) is a need for knowledge for
- its own sake. Many animals are curious, but in them curiosity is a
- facet of adaptation. Man has a hunger to know. And to many a man,
- being endowed with the capacity to know, he has a duty to know.
- All knowledge, however small, however irrelevant to progress and
- well-being, is a part of the whole. It is of this the scientist
- partakes. To know the fly is to share a bit in the sublimity of
- Knowledge. That is the challenge and the joy of science (pp. 118-119).
- </blockquote>
- Children are naturally are curious, inquisitive, and exploratory of
- their environment. It is normal to want to know how things work and why
- the world is the way it is. At its most basic level, this is what
- science is all about. As Richard Feynman observed: "I've been caught, so
- to speak - like someone who was given something wonderful when he was a
- child, and he's always looking for it again. I'm always looking, like a
- child, for the wonders I know I'm going to find - maybe not every time,
- but every once in a while" (1988, p. 16). The most important question in
- education is this: what tools are children given to understand the
- world?
- <p>On the most basic of levels we must think or die. Those who are alive
- are thinking and using reason to a greater or lesser extent. Those who
- use more reason, those who employ rational skepticism, will attain
- greater satisfaction because they understand the cause of their
- satisfaction. It cannot be otherwise. As Ayn Rand concluded in her
- magnum opus <em>Atlas Shrugged</em> (1957, p. 1012):</p>
- <blockquote>Man cannot survive except by gaining knowledge, and reason is his
- only means to gain it . . . . Man's mind is his basic tool of
- survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. His body is given
- to him, its sustenance is not. His mind is given to him, its
- content is not. To remain alive, he must act, and before he can
- act he must know the nature and purpose of his action. He cannot
- obtain his food without a knowledge of food and of the way to
- obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch - or build a cyclotron - without
- a knowledge of his aim and of the means to achieve it. To remain
- alive, he must think.</blockquote>
- Over three centuries ago the French philosopher and skeptic René
- Descartes, after one of the most thorough skeptical purges in
- intellectual history, concluded that he knew one thing for certain:
- "Cogito ergo sum." "I think therefore I am."
- <p>By a similar analysis, to be human is to think. Therefore, to
- paraphrase Descartes:</p>
- <p><em>"Sum Ergo Cogito."
- "I Am Therefore I Think."</em></p>
- <a name="biblio">
- <h2>Bibliography</h2>
- </a>
- <dl>
- <dt>Basil, R. 1988. <em>Not Necessarily the New Age</em>. Buffalo: Prometheus
- Books.
- <dt>Bynum, W.F., E.J. Browne, R. Porter. <em>Dictionary of the History of
- Science</em>. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- <dt>Darwin, C. 1892. <em>The Autobiography of Charles Darwin</em>. Francis
- Darwin (Ed.). New York: Dover.
- <dt>Dethier, V.G. 1962. <em>To Know a Fly</em>. San Francisco: Holden-Day.
- <dt>Eddington, A. S. 1958. <em>The Philosophy of Physical Science</em>. Ann
- Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- <dt>Feynman, R.P. 1988. <em>What Do You Care What Other People Think?</em> New
- York: W.W.Norton.
- <dt>Gould, S. J. 1983. <em>Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes</em>. New York: W.W.
- Norton.
- <dt>Hardison, R.C. 1988. <em>Upon the Shoulders of Giants</em>. New York:
- University Press of America.
- <dt>Kuhn, T. S. 1962. <em>The Structure of Scientific Revolutions</em>. Chicago:
- University of Chicago Press.
- <dt>_____ . 1977. <em>The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific
- Tradition and Change</em>. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- <dt>Medawar, P. 1969. <em>Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought</em>.
- London.
- <dt>Mises, L.V. 1956. <em>The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality</em>. New York: D. Van
- Nostrand.
- <dt><em>Oxford English Dictionary</em>. 1971. Oxford.
- <dt>Popkin, R. H. 1979. <em>The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to
- Spinoza</em>. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- <dt>Rand, A. 1957. <em>Atlas Shrugged</em>. New York: Random House.
- <dt>Sulloway, F. J. 1991. "Darwinian Psychobiography." A review of Charles
- Darwin: A new Life by John Bowlby. <em>The New York Review of Books</em>,
- October 10.
- </dl>
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